What Does the Church of Today and the Future Need?

What humanity does outside of the kingdom of God is driven by meeting felt needs. One of the greatest needs in humanity is to access the original mandate of its creation. Kingdom leaders must focus on the genesis assignment to demonstrate in the image and likeness of God. Leaders who are disciples first and foremost, followers of Christ. Leaders who deconstruct religion in a way that is dismantles beliefs that serve as a substitute for realizing and recognizing the kingdom of God within.
Religious substitutes hinder humanity from pursuing the genuine capacity of Christ within and when leaders reduce religion to the core foundation, it impacts how humanity even searches for the kingdom of God. A people who identify themselves as sons and daughters in the kingdom of God. The King of the Kingdom wants sons and daughters.
When we are in a religious mindset, we seek service as an obligation, but when we are in a kingdom mindset as sons and daughters, we see service as a privilege to honor Christ.
The current season demands that kingdom leaders within any given worship community or fellowship are encouraged, trained and empowered to hear from the Lord for a vision for impacting the world – outside the four walls of the building – and commissioned with the authority and the ability to implement the vision. This happens when leaders know how to train, develop and release every day, normal, unpaid people into their Kingdom destiny. In other words, the skill to multiply leaders, not duplicate followers.
Leaders who lead by first making disciples themselves, not by seeking to be spiritual fathers and mothers to gather followers, sons and daughters unto themselves.
Leaders who develop sons and daughters to demonstrate the character, nature and full spiritual maturity through, in and of Christ.
Sonship is a function of Spirit.
Religion releases servitude. Kingdom reveals sonship. Religion promotes dependency on man. Kingdom presents interdependence through Christ.
In truth, Romans 8:16-17 confirms, “The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.”
In my humble opinion, this is where the church of the future and the now lies. My concern is that, in the culture of the genius with a thousand helpers, and the culture of celebrity Christianity and the cult of personality, the prevailing culture of the upkeep of the machine will keep us from the real task of kingdom leadership development and release.
Kingdom family dynamics can and will change the world.
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