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The Mystery of Christ: Being in Christ, through Christ and as Christ

Writer's picture: #changearchitect #changearchitect

Updated: Mar 18, 2022

Considering that we are all joined in a unique community of believers with a variety of concepts, I celebrate every one’s uniqueness and recognize their individual journey. I have determined not to minimize, criticize or in any way demean or demonize another’s belief or religious system. I desire to live, speak and write in a redemptive manner in order to share insights and observations to help others grow in Christ.

As for my belief, I do need to state clearly that I believe that all the World and all of us were created out of God by and through and in Christ who is the word referred to in John chapter 1. I believe that Jesus (Yeshua) is the Christ the fully God (Yah), fully man head of the many membered body of Christ which is the building and dwelling place of God. He is the Alpha the Omega, the beginning and the end and "the Foundation" of our faith, the stone rejected of the builders that has become the Chief Cornerstone. Christ is the vine; we are the branches and we are fruitful when we are connected to Christ.

The finished work refers to the act of substitution where in Jesus was crucified as us and for us so that we do not need to experience death or to add anything to be justified and reconciled to God. By identifying with death and resurrection we are freed from our sense of separation from God is the finished work. Yes, it is finished and is continuous in finishing us until and into the fullness of the measure of the stature of Christ is manifesting through us. Christ’s work continues the Author and Finisher of our faith and continues to guide us through Holy Spirit and example. It is through Christ that we experience victory and are seated in heavenly places. That we are heirs and joint heirs and that through this we have access to God and are able to be empowered to become all that we came out of God to be in this earth.

Christ empowers us to manifest God and set creation free.

I believe Christ is not only a truth, and the way shower or just the life giver but is the very Way, Truth and Life as the very source of eternal resurrected God life. I desire to know Christ no longer, after the flesh, that is as the carpenter from Galilee but Christ that did and is still doing the will of I AM. I am still physical but I learning to no longer see myself or anyone else after the flesh but after that Christ Life (doing the redemptive will of God).

Jesus manifested God while a man before his death and resurrection, evidenced by the transfiguration and the many miracles performed. I am perplexed when a message implies that the man from Nazareth, was just a teacher, a prophet, an avatar or just another enlightened person, and when he left this plane his work was over.

Christ is not some unfeeling, impersonal energy or force that can only be described as a power source and not relational Creator.

I am surprised when someone says that we can do greater things without acknowledging that it is through Christ that we live, move and having our being. Do people forget that Jesus walked out of the tomb, His and our tomb, triumphantly overcoming death and the grave? I am humbled by identification with Jesus, the sacrificed, sacrificial lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world who removed my sense of separation from God. Through Christ, I recognize and realize my oneness with God.

Although Peter had a revelation of the identity of Jesus as THE Christ and God dwelled in Him, Peter still denied Him 3 times. Peter had no power to function as a son of God until he received Holy Spirit on Pentecost. Without being born again we will not see that kingdom or understand the realm from which Christ Jesus lived.

Christ Jesus is real, indwelling you as a born again disciple by Holy Spirit and is the first of many brothers we call the church, not a cosmic non-entity energy, essence generic christ.

Christ is the one worthy to open the seals to reveal who we really are.

We are part of many membered Christ on the earth and Jesus Christ is the Head of that body. We are not a freelance Christ seeking how we can attract things to ourselves but an obedient sons seeking the mind of Christ to do the will and purpose of the Most High God.

How will you manifest your sonship in God?


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