Shifting Gears in Leading
Leadership Movement and Momentum

As a leader (or influencer) of others, you can lead beyond the position that you hold. People invest in leader’s character and vision which the vision can contain the following shifts:
1. From “what is” to “what if”
2. From the “security of predictability” to “possibility thinking”
3. From “affecting the culture” to “creating the future”
What if we acted on what we are not supposed to know? To lead beyond what we see and really live in vision. Many items in life we enjoy today are a result a leader who left the safety of living in the space of standardization, for the exciting mystery of “What if?” We would reflect the unpredictable creativity of our imaginations and bring a creative perspective to our jobs or vocations, lighting the way to the “What if” in spite of the “What is” in our global villages.
So, what if we moved from a what is to a what if culture?
Often, we are informed by “what is” and thus “what is” rules our imagination. As a leader, your vision of your team, job culture and engagement is a creation beyond your own capacity. Sometimes, you can see the vision but never been given the capacity to execute or create it. Your leadership future needs to be shaped; it’s a story that needs to be told, but the reality of limitation and stagnation steps in.
What if your leadership culture became the incubator for becoming the world’s best offerings?
Perhaps, you have chosen to live in the space of standardization and predictability. Perhaps, you need to embrace a leadership faith that isn’t about what you “knew” – but about what you “imagine.” Most people live in the past and the present scares them; thus, a dream of a brighter future escapes them. Who do say you are, dear leader? What kind of world do you want to create? Go above the “what kind of department do we want to be?” and embrace moving and then leadership momentum will carry you forward.
MOVEMENT is the first indication of life. Atoms move at an atomic level. Our blood streams move, indicating that our heart is beating. Our brain synaptic nerves move, indicating that we are thinking, feeling, perceiving, even dreaming and imagining. Every assignment in life involves movement. Even our ability to speak requires the movement of our tongues and lips.
MOVEMENT equates to CHANGE. And, oh, how we hate that word.
Webster dictionary defines, “Stagnation” As “a state of not advancing or developing”.
When you find yourself stuck on the same spot for a long period of time, or the faces that you are seeing around you are still the same ones you having been seeing for the past three or five years, or the challenges you are facing today are the same ones you have been facing for months, then as a leader, you have become stagnated. It is now time to move along to a another level - a mindset higher than where you are right now! Your life is due for new challenges, so get a move on.
Stagnation does not necessarily mean that you are poor or lack any success story.
When some people hear the term “stagnation,” some of the words that first come to their mind are “poverty, failure, trials, and joblessness.”
Stagnation relates much more to a lack of movement or lack of development.
Water that has become stagnant is no longer flowing or moving. Because it is no longer moving, it becomes foul and stale, and scum begins to form on the surface, making the water undesirable and unpleasant to the senses. Stagnant water can also become a breeding ground for bacteria and mosquitoes, which carry malaria, viruses health hazards, to say the least.
Leaders: move, make momentum and manage your vision and flow with real change that matters. #itspatrickbrown #changearchitect #movement #momentum #leadershipshift #leadership