I long to show you that My Life will function in you. Although the earth groans for the manifestations of My sons and the world rejections the reality of sonship, I will still do a work in you and reveal to you that My Life will operate in all aspects of who you are.
You are because I AM.
And because of that Truth, you are made free by the Truth I have placed inside of you. Access it. Believe it.
When I free you, you will never be bound again. You don't have to retreat into your old ways of living and leading. I have given you all things that pertain to life and to live out My Nature and My Name. When I begin to function in you, I also will energize you where you will access my operations among you.
When I begin to function in you, you will act with purpose.
When I begin to function in you, you will act with power and authority.
When I begin to function in you, you will possess an accuracy and clarity that comes from Spirit surrounding you and filling you with wisdom, knowledge and understanding.
Not only will I use you, I will dwell among you and you shall RE-PRESENT ME in the earth and with that presenting, you will display and exhibit a revealing of my realm that has never been since in the physical realm.
This is your time to see My function within. Let it out.
Purpose , power and authority . Oh how I Am longs to function in us.
WOW... Let it out!!! Re-present IAM.. powerful ‼️ Received.